Today’s devotion is based on Week 1 of “Resolve”: Set Proper Priorities! (WATCH HERE)
Worth every minute.
Sometimes the anticipation and preparation for an event far exceeds the experience of the actual event. I remember a trip to Greece years ago and we planned a day to see ruins of an ancient temple outside the city of Corinth. It was about an hour hike up the hill to see it. What remained was one rock of a pillar…one rock. We all kind of reacted the same, “Really? That’s it?” Now the overall trip through Europe was awesome and well worth the time and expense…but that afternoon was a bust.
On the other hand, one can spend a lot of time planning, traveling, and organizing an event and at the end you say to yourself, “That was worth every minute.” Weddings can be such events when their is months of planning, great expense, and travel of family and friends. Even though the day lasts 10-12 hours, at the end the grateful couple feels, “That was worth every penny and worth every minute. What a day.”
Imagine the planning, preparation, expense it took for the wise men to embark on their travels to find Jesus…and in some ways maybe not even 100% sure their mission would be successful. Weeks of planning, perhaps months of travel, expense for the trip all added to a great investment to see Jesus.
After a stop in Jerusalem, they followed the star to Bethlehem where it stopped over the very house where Jesus was. Imagine the anticipation as they knocked on the door and it slowly opened to let them in. There in front of them was the one of whom they had been told, the one of whom the star signaled, and the one who was more important than any earthly king…Jesus himself.
There was only one reaction: worship. There was only one response: giving gifts. It was a moment they would never forget because they had encountered Jesus, their Savior.
Here’s how Matthew records it:
Matthew 2:9 After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen when it rose went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. 10 When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. 11 On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. 12 And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.
We have no idea the conversation on the way home, but I’m sure at some point one of them had to say, “That was worth every minute!”
Do we have the same response when we encounter Jesus? Do we pursue connection with him with a focus that leads us to set aside other priorities to be with Jesus? Do we carry a mindset that thinks, “Every minute I spend with Jesus is totally worth it?” or a mindset that thinks, “Hmm, I don’t know if I have time to spend or gifts to give?”
Admittedly my heart is not always like the wise men and my guess is yours isn’t either. Life happens. Work gets busy. Needs arise. Lists get longer and time with Jesus gets short changed.
What about resolving with God’s help to prioritize time with Jesus this year?
I guarantee…it will be worth every minute!
Apply: What small change in your schedule, budget, planning will help you prioritize time and gifts to Jesus in 2025?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for forgiveness when I fail to make time with you a priority. Help me to experience and realize that every minute I spend with you and every gift I give to you is worth every penny and minute invested. AMEN.