SHARE…but what do I share?
Devotions this week based on Sunday’s Message: Compass: SHARE what God has given! (LISTEN HERE)
Here’s my assumption this morning: Every Christian desires to and knows it’s important to share his faith with someone else.
Here’s my second assumption: Every Christian has certain fears about having that conversation about faith with someone else.
So let’s explore that this week and, God-willing, be not only encouraged, but also equipped to better and more confidently engage in spiritual conversations.
Often the discussion about sharing our faith starts with Matthew 28:19, “Go and make disciples of all nations…”
I don’t want to start here this morning. This passage is powerful, but can be overwhelming. It seems that the way to share our faith entails going to foreign nations and investing a lot of time to develop a person in their following of Jesus. We need baptisms and time to teach. All of this is important, but it seems, perhaps so daunting and so big, that we don’t do anything.
So let’s start in a different place. Acts 1.
Acts 1 records the last interaction Jesus has with his disciples. He knew they were filled with doubts. Perhaps there was anxiety about the future and what that would entail. While the promise Jesus gives is for those that first heard it, the Spirit of God recorded it for us to hear too. I don’t think I or you are that much different than the disciples.
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Remember the power.
God never asks us to do something that he does not equip us to do. The disciples received a special outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost, but if we are asked to do the things of the Spirit, the Spirit of God will work in us to accomplish them. We are not engaging in spiritual discussions on our own…or we don’t need to. So, tap into the power. Any electronic instrument has not power unless it is plugged in or has a charged battery. So, before engaging in a spiritual conversation, remember to ask for the Spirit’s power and wisdom as you do so…you may be surprised what comes out!
Remember the point.
I LOVE this passage because it reminds me what is at the point of sharing my faith…simply being a witness. Jesus doesn’t say, “You will be my doctors of theology.” He doesn’t say, “You will have every answer to every question any person may ever ask.” He doesn’t say, “You must be a full-time minister or pastor to share your faith.” No, he simply says, “Be my witnesses.”
A witness in a court of law does not speculate or surmise, they simply share their interaction with the event…what THEY saw…what THEY heard. It is a testimony to your experience with Jesus.
But perhaps this is a bit daunting…because we’ve never considered “What IS my experience with Jesus? What difference does it really make to be a follower of Jesus? How does Jesus make a difference in my life?”
If you were called to the witness stand to testify to your faith and connection to Jesus, what would you say? Take some time this week to think this through…because this is what Jesus is asking you to be ready to share!
Remember the people.
Jesus does indicate that witnesses for him would eventually go to the ends of the earth, but he reminds them to start locally: Jerusalem. Then go from there to Judea and Samaria.
What does this mean for us? You don’t have to go across the globe or get a passport to another country (although if God puts that on your heart…follow his lead!), it means start with the people in your proximity…the people you work with, go to school with, sit in the stands with, live next door to, etc. This is your “Jerusalem.”
Sharing our faith can be daunting, but let’s let God’s Spirit work in and on our hearts…and with his help it will be more natural and fun. Remember the power of the Spirit is at work in you to share what God has given to you with the people that God has put around you!
Apply: Take time today to think through your story. What is your experience with Jesus?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for equipping us to do what you are calling us to do…share you. Forgive us when we stay silent, feel inadequate or put up some other excuse. Embolden and give us confidence to share you with the people with whom we interact. AMEN.
Who get’s credit?
Today’s devotion is based on Sunday’s message: SERVE with your gifts! To listen: CLICK HERE
Who gets the credit?
Perhaps the quick response of the Christian is “Of course, God does!”
Or does he?
In the end, yes, service to be to the glory of God. It is the purest of purposes, but it is the hardest of motives.
We like to be recognized.
Sure, every Christian community can do better at encouraging and building others up as they are blessed by another’s service. This is a great opportunity.
However, we can evaluate who gets the credit by our heart’s reaction when WE get no credit.
What do I mean?
Service in the church takes time, energy and effort. It is not always easy and often times a sacrifice. You can serve in your ministry faithfully for weeks, months or even years. But what can lead to discouragement and stepping away from the area of service is the lack of recognition or appreciation. When I get no credit it is hard for me to show up the next time and serve with joy. Eventually I may think, “What I do, doesn’t matter.” And so I quit.
You could serve in Kids Ministry for months and never does a parent come up and appreciate what you and your staff are doing. It’s discouraging.
You can greet people every Sunday, but no one ever says, “Thank you, your warm greeting made a difference.” It’s hard to keep a smile.
You can serve as church Council member for years and people only complain to you about something at church and never appreciate the long hours in meetings and extra activities. It’s hard to be willing to serve another term.
Our human emotions need the encouragement of others. Like was said, we can do better at encouraging one another.
2 Corinthians 13:11 Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.
So when you see someone serving and blessing others, encourage and appreciate them.
However, even as we need human encouragement, remember that your service is first to the Lord. The reason we all serve IS to glorify him. So remember this:
1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
So, we end the week the way we began with the encouragement of St. Peter:
1 Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Apply: Have fun serving the Lord! Want to better understand how? Here is an assessment tool which includes spiritual gifts, but also other inputs to best determine how God has uniquely gifted you. Click here:
If you would like help discerning the results and how to use them, at the end of the assessment, email the results to Christy serves as our member ministry coordinator at Crosspoint and whether a member here or not, she can help you plug into the body of Christ where God has you!
Prayer: Spirit of God, thank you for the gifts you have graciously given to me. Engage my heart with a focus of using those gifts to always glorify you, the Father and the Son, my loving, gracious and giving God! AMEN.
Who’s going to show up today?
Today’s devotion is based on Sunday’s message: SERVE with your gifts! To listen: CLICK HERE
Who’s showing up to work today?
Well…if you are feeling healthy, I’m assuming you will show up to your job.
If you are retired, you may think…”Not me!”
If you are a student, “I don’t have a job yet.”
But we all have some activities in front of us today. The question is, “Who will show up?”
When we think of serving with the gifts God has given to us wherever God places us to use them, God wants to show up. Consider 1 Peter 4:10 and especially verse 11:
1 Peter 4:10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
The gifts God has given to you are his way of working in you and showing up through you. So as you step into your day today, be aware that God wants to show up at your work place, in your classroom, in your recreation, in every activity.
To be clear, we are not God and that is a good thing. But God gives us gifts to represent and present him to the world around us.
So as the Apostle Peter says, “If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.”
That means that whatever conversations you have today, God wants to speak through you.
Last night was a proud dad moment because I saw Jesus show up so clearly in my daughter.
After the basketball games, she said, “Dad, I need a good argument.”
“For what?” I asked. Thinking she had an English assignment that needed a persuasive paragraph written.
“One of my friends is an atheist and I need to convince her God is real. I don’t want her to stay an atheist.”
For the ride home and the next hour at home we talked about different ways to listen, share, show care, and confidence in continuing the conversation. But as she related her conversation with her friend, God had shown up. She shared with truth and love her faith and while didn’t have every answer, spoke as one speaking the very words of God. God showed up in the stands of the basketball game as they watched the varsity game (which was a blowout 71-2…so lots of time for conversation…perhaps God’s way of allowing space for the topic to come up.)
So who’s going to show up today?
If your have conversations (which you will), speak with words that reflect God to people. As you go about your work, work with the strength that God provides. As you serve, serve with the heart of God motivating you.
Wherever life takes you today, know God is going with you and wants to show up through you!
Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Apply: What is different about your day today as you keep in mind God wants to show up in you and through you today?
Prayer: Lord, thank you for the gifts you give and the opportunities to use them. I pray that in all I say and do today, you show up through me to others! AMEN.
SERVE…What’s your function?
Today’s devotion is based on Sunday’s message: SERVE with your gifts! To listen: CLICK HERE
“Take my life and let it be…consecrated Lord to thee.”
We sang these words on Sunday which were penned by Frances Ridely Havergal (1836-1879) in 1874. While her life was only 43 years long, she found pleasure in serving the Lord by serving others. As she was a home for women, she asked the Lord to bring the Gospel to those that didn’t know it and encourage and bring deeper joy to those that did. She found herself in prayer desiring for herself and others a deeper reality that all of her life was for the Lord. The hymn verses came as this deep, heart felt prayer.
I love this hymn because it reminds me that our life is not compartmentalized. We don’t have a “church life” and a “real life.” We don’t have “Sundays” and then the “rest of the week.” We have life. As a forgiven, saved, child of God we realize that God can and does capture every aspect of our life for him. Our change isn’t always in activity, although it certainly can be, but in our heart’s focus.
Service is a heart issue. As the Lord instills in us the true blessing and treasure that he gave his life for us, the response of giving our lives to him is the natural reaction to this gift of grace.
Yes, the Holy Spirit gives special gifts for service in God’s kingdom. Hopefully you took a few minutes to explore that. However, he also captures every aspect of our life to function as part of his body. Let me give an example.
At a previous church, a member had a love for remote control cars. He built and drove gas-powered cars, trucks, dune buggies, etc. If you could put a mini-motor in it, he loved to build it. One year he received a significant bonus from his work and asked if he could buy nicer electric car kits for the kids to put together and then race. The Lord led him in his gift of generosity to use his hobby to bring fun, fellowship and a focus on Christ to the youth of our congregation. Later that spring we had a fun afternoon racing the remote control cars and having our pinewood derby races. What a great use of his hobby combined with his love for the Lord.
So what are your hobbies? What do you love to do in your spare time? What gifts do you use at work? What interests do you explore? The question a heart of service leads us to ask is this, “Lord, how can you use all aspects of my life to glorify you and be a blessing to your people and expand your kingdom?” I am curious what he will show you!
A “Remote Control Car” Ministry was not on our strategic plan for that year. But it was on God’s. He worked in Walter’s heart. He arranged the financial blessing. He orchestrated the fellowship around the gift. He enlarged his kingdom through the heart of service his son in the faith had.
Romans 12:4 For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
The cool thing is God has given you these gifts, passions, hobbies and interests. The amazing thing is he has put you in the place he wants you to use them. It’s time to get off the sidelines and engage…the body of Christ needs you!
Apply: What is one idea God puts in your mind to use your talents, hobbies, career, interests, or experiences to glorify him and serve the people in and with your local church?
Prayer: Lord thank you for taking my life and wrapping it up in your grace. Help me to live my life always as an expression of thanksgiving for that grace. AMEN.
SERVE: Gifts are personal!
Today’s devotion is based on Sunday’s message: SERVE with your gifts! To listen: CLICK HERE
A good gift is personal.
Christmas is a month in the past or 11 months away. If you reflect on your gift giving, there are times where you get everyone the same gift. Perhaps you have 15 co workers and you get them all the same ornament as a little token of appreciation. However, gifts are usually given specifically to the individual. These personal gifts take time and energy to understand the person, their likes, their interests and then give them a gift that matches who they are.
God gives both kinds of gifts.
His gift of salvation is the same for all people.
Romans 3:22-24: There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
Every person has the same problem…they are sinners. Every person needs the same solution…forgiveness in Jesus. This gift of grace is the same for all.
However, once we have been given the common gift of salvation, God uniquely gives us gifts that are just the ones he wants us to have. Consider 1 Corinthians 12:11, “All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.
In this chapter the Apostle Paul makes a list of just some of the spiritual gifts God gives to people. A single person is not given all of the gifts, just the one or ones that God has determined are for them uniquely and individually. The unifying factor is all the gifts come from the same source.
1 Corinthians 12:4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.
Two challenges arise. First is sometimes I get “gift envy.” Like sitting around the Christmas tree looking at what someone else received and thinking, “I wish I got that gift!” we can look around the church, the body of Christ, and think, “I wish I had that gift…I wish I could lead like that person…I wish I could be such a positive encourager as that person…I wish I had time to serve like that person…and the “envy” goes on. In the process, Satan gets our gift to sit on the sidelines while we envy everyone else’s, minimizing the gift God has given to us.
The second challenge is knowing what those gifts are. While God can and does refocus or repurpose our talents, careers, hobbies, and interests for his glory, he also has given us spiritual gifts for use in his kingdom. There are various assessments that can give a starting point of reflection and experimentation to see what gifts God has given to you. This isn’t intended to be a cumbersome and challenging process, but simply taking time to reflect and use an assessment is helpful to see what gifts God has given to YOU for use in his kingdom.
God knows you better than you know yourself. Of all gift givers, God is the best and individually and uniquely has given you gifts to glorify him, bless others and build up his kingdom!
Apply: Need help determining what gifts God has given to you and how to use them? Here is an assessment tool which includes spiritual gifts, but also other inputs to best determine how God has uniquely gifted you. Click here:
If you would like help discerning the results and how to use them, at the end of the assessment, email the results to Christy serves as our member ministry coordinator at Crosspoint and whether a member here or not, she can help you plug into the body of Christ where God has you!
Prayer: Lord, thank you for knowing us so individually and uniquely that you give gifts to me that are best suited for me. Help me to use them for your glory, the blessing of people and the building up of your kingdom.