Daily Devotions based the Sermon from January 10, 2021
THIS WEEK: A Mission-Minded Person Is Secure in Their Identity!
Have you thought recently, “This world needs Jesus”?
People dying of the pandemic…need Jesus. People breaking the law amidst political passions…need Jesus. People anxious and nervous about the future…need Jesus.
The world needs Jesus. Our country needs Jesus. Our communities need Jesus. Our family needs Jesus.
I need Jesus.
Our congregation in Georgetown, Texas is embarking on work to better focus our efforts to reach people with the saving message of the Gospel. We know God has us here for “such a time as this.” We have homes being built right next to our property with 1000 plus more to come in the next 5-10 years. We have opportunities with our online ministry to reach people for Jesus. We want to connect more people to Jesus.
I pray you do to.
No matter where you are as you read this, God has you at this time and in your place for such a time as this. You may feel discouraged as it may seem like the voice of Christians is being silenced, but remember, the Gospel has not lost its power. You may feel like your efforts don’t matter, but be assured the angels rejoice when just one soul comes to believe in Jesus.
I am inviting you all to join us in the journey to see how God wants to use each of us in a time such as this. It may seem scary…I know. It may seem overwhelming…I feel the same. But know that the mission God has us on has eternal impact in the lives of people.
Over the next weeks we are asking God to develop the heart and mindset inside each of us to carry out the work he has given to us. It’s time to let his Spirit refocus, renew, and refresh our mind. I pray he will declutter the noise of our culture, dismiss the lies of Satan we believe, and distill a mindset of truth in each of us. Paul put it this way in Romans 12:1-2:
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
The first mindset we are asking God to instill in us is security in our identity. I invite you to sometime today listen/watch the message from Sunday (Click on link above). It will tee up our topics for the rest of the week as we answer the question, “Who Am I?”
Apply: Take time in prayer simply to ask God’s Spirit to renew your mind to align with God’s good and perfect will.
Prayer: Father, life has been and will continue to be distracting. Forgive me for allowing my mind to be transformed and aligned to the world around me. I ask that you would remove all the thoughts that are not good and pleasing to you and replace them will your “good, pleasing and perfect will.” AMEN.
Special reflection and prayers:
As our congregation goes through the planning process, I invite all our devotion readers to pray with us and for us. This “special reflection” section gives an additional Scripture and prayer to include in your daily prayer life. Thank you!
Scripture: Matthew 6:33 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”
Prayer: God, we seek you first and foremost to define the vision for our church. We want to align with Your heart and what matters to You. Help us hear Your voice above all noise and distraction.