Be a woman of grace!
This week’s devotions are based on “The Key” Week 3: “Ground Your family in grace!” (WATCH HERE)
Be women of grace!
Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
1 Timothy 2:9-10 “I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, 10 but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.”
These two Bible passages were written about 1000 years apart and communicate a similar theme. After another 2000 years, is the truth still the same?
One doesn’t have to look far in our 21st century America to see the promotion of beauty and sexualization of women as a primary factor in determining their value, worth and significance. Perhaps some have already woken up this morning and looked in the mirror and thought to themselves, “I’m ugly.” “I’m fat.” “I’m….”
Whether the era of Solomon, the era of Paul, or the era of today, the pressure on women is to look beautiful, be beautiful, and exhibit beauty. But like with all good things, the value on external beauty can lead to internal doubts, insecurities, and negativity. It can also lead to a superficial show of value, worth, and significance to those around.
Solomon and Paul are not saying that personal care is not important, however, they are redirecting one’s heart to consider what makes up true beauty.
Solomon lists in Proverbs 31 (see Monday’s devotion), a laundry list a “wife of noble character” does for her family and in the community, but his conclusion of what makes a woman truly beautiful is this: She fears the Lord. A woman of beauty is one in whom the Lord has placed his Spirit which leads that woman to seek to serve and honor the Lord each and every day. A woman who has a fear for the Lord realizes that who she is, her gifts and abilities, are given by God to be used to his glory and the blessing of people around. A woman who has fear for the Lord receives God’s grace as a gift to cover any sin, imperfections, and failures. A woman who fears the Lord finds her value, worth, and significance primarily in the reality that she is a loved, redeemed, gifted, child of God. A woman who fears the Lord has had the Lord mold her heart to reflect his heart of love, care and compassion to all around. A woman who fears the Lord plays to an audience of One, the Lord, even as she serves her family, her community and coworkers.
A woman who fears the Lord shows her beauty in the works of faith that come from that heart. Paul is encouraging Timothy to encourage this to the Ephesian women. Beauty comes from a life adorned with works of faith that honor the Lord and bless others, not from make-up, jewelry, or fine clothes. Beauty springs from a humble heart that is more interested in the approval of the Lord than the approval of the people around. Beauty shows itself in a willingness to simply be a servant of God who desires to bless the people around.
So be a woman of grace, filled with the fear of the Lord to live each day for the Lord!
Apply: What changes when your focus is on the beauty the Lord creates instead of the beauty the world demands?
Prayer: Lord, equip all your women to be women of grace. AMEN.
Be Men of Grace!
This week’s devotions are based on “The Key” Week 3: “Ground Your family in grace!” (WATCH HERE)
“Everything rises and falls on leadership.” – John Maxwell
This axiom is true in every aspect of life, whether it be a company, our country or our households. In the reality of order, where two or more people are involved, there is a need for order for those individuals to work well together. On a football team, you have one quarterback. On a basketball team, you have one point guard. On every athletic team you have one head coach. The reason? Everything rises and falls on leadership. If everyone were trying to carry out that roll, chaos would ensue.
The same is true for the family. God organized the family to have two people he dearly loves, a husband and wife, working together in the roles they have been given to bring the greatest blessing to the family as a whole. Paul gives specific instructions to Timothy to guide both the men and women into more God-glorifying activities that correspond to the roles he gave of head and the Garden.
1 Timothy 2:8 I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.
Anytime Paul has to address something it means that some activity was beginning a disruption from the reality of grace. Men seem to be dealing with issues by taking on someone in a spirit of anger and dispute rather than with prayer. Secular ways of addressing problems were exhibiting themselves in the context of the church as well. Men were more worried about showing their strength or power of wisdom than in building and maintaining the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace. So as leaders in the church and their families, Paul in essence says, “Try a new way.” Instead of lashing out in anger and frustration, take time to pray individually or also with the one with whom you have a dispute.
Most of chapter three of 1 Timothy addresses qualifications of the overseer and deacons in the church. As these qualifications are written for us, they have a primary application in the church of God, but secondarily they also have a very practical guidance for how men are to show up and lead not only in the church, but why would these qualifications also be a great set of standards of what a man of grace looks like, lives like and leads like. Here’s a small sample:
1 Timothy 3:8 Deacons, likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. 9 They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 10 They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons.
Every man of grace must ground themselves in the truths of God and his holy Word. His life is to reflect the grace and forgiveness he has received so that all might be done with a clear conscience. He must be respectable, not a drunkard, and whose heart is captivated by the Lord, not wealth. When grace prevails in the heart of a man, a man becomes a man of grace and is able to live and lead from a perspective of grace.
Be a man of grace!
Apply: If you are a guy, what things are getting in the way of being a man of grace? What changes today when you ask the Lord to help you address every issue first with prayer?
Prayer: Lord equip all of your men to be men of grace. AMEN
Grace repairs what’s broken.
This week’s devotions are based on “The Key” Week 3: “Ground Your family in grace!” (WATCH HERE)
Whenever something isn’t working, it is important to understand what isn’t working and then fix the situation. I’m one that loves to tinker with things to understand how they work and also fix them. To be honest, many people let go of things that don’t work and with a small amount of effort the item can be fixed and used again. I would take my toys apart as a kid to understand how they worked and see if I could get them working again.
To some degree, I put a similar lens on look at the society around us and notice things that aren’t working or seem broken or just messed up. One has to ask, “What is broken?” To even ask the question, “What is broken?” implies that there was a “new” condition that things came in that has been altered in some way. To say something is “broken” is simply to acknowledge that the item is not functioning as the original maker intended it to work.
The family in America is broken. I get that is a very broad sweeping statement. However, we even use the term “broken family” to refer to a family unit that was a husband and wife and children and now the husband and wife are divorced and the kids split time between the two. It is no longer functioning as it was originally intended. A close relative to “broken” is “alternative.” Our culture uses “alternative” family for things that look like the original but are “one-off’s” of the original. The point is, there are many iterations in our culture of “family” that are not what the original was intended to be. To some degree the original is being held up as the “old-fashioned” and when it’s labeled “traditional” it is seen almost as a negative than a positive.
So if we are going to understand family, we must go back to the OG, the original. We must understand the original design and the One who designed it. To be sure, this devotional thought is NOT in anyway to disparage those who are working hard to ground their family in grace in spite of the brokenness that has been part of their family history. In fact, these situations absolutely need the grace of God to heal the hurts and strengthen the bonds and do things God’s way moving forward.
The family is not a social construct that needs deconstruction. The family is a divinely created formation to be the foundation of society. In Genesis, before sin entered the world, here is what God said to the first two people, Adam and Eve, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” (Genesis 1:28) The family was a husband and wife and as the Lord blessed, children were brought into that family. Genesis 2:24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
God’s design for the family has always been a man in a committed marriage with a woman. And in that loving, serving relationship children were brought into the world to be nurtured and guided.
So what has created the brokenness? The simple answer is sin. Sin breaks God’s design and offers alternatives to it. The alternatives may work in certain aspects, but will never fully give the blessing that God intends when families are constructed and function as he designs.
This structure is what we need to pray for and promote. And when it breaks, we pick up the pieces and with God’s grace bring forgiveness, restoration and hope to those situations. When God’s grace fills every home, regardless of how broken it is (and because of sin, every home has brokenness), God’s blessing is realized in that home. So “traditional families” continue to fill your home with grace. Single parents, continue to fill your hearts and homes with God’s grace. When a family is grounded in grace, the blessing of God resides there.
Apply: What is your family situation? A short devotion won’t cure all, but I pray the grace of God covers all in your family and each day you walk closer with him.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for the gift of my family, no matter how broken it is or was, I know your grace is a powerful healer to restore and rebuild and receive the blessing you give through families. AMEN.
Sent for battle!
This week’s devotions are based on this week’s message: Key #2: Be Ready for the Battle! (WATCH HERE)
First, devotion reader, I apologize for missing the devotion post yesterday…and it was even Ascension Day! But perhaps that provides a good lead in for a final thought on this week’s key: Be ready for battle!
The role of a commanding officer is to rally the troops, be clear on the mission, and provide the ability to win the battle.
As Jesus was finishing his time on this earth, he wanted to make sure the work he had done would impact the world around.
His army? The eleven remaining disciples and about 130 other followers…not a very large group. He knew the task would be hard and the resistance strong, but he knew the salvation of souls was at stake.
So, before he ascended into heaven, he spoke these words recorded in Matthew 28:
Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
On numerous occasions, Jesus has warned the disciples that being his follower and proclaimer of his grace would not be easy. Conflict would come and opposition to the gospel would arise. So, not much has changed today.
There is opposition to Christ. There are the forces of evil that desire the demise of Christianity and the destruction of souls. Although they may not come out directly and say this, their actions are clear to take out the viability and validity of the Christian faith and disparage it at every opportunity.
So how do you and I stand up against the opposition of Satan which seeks to devour all that is connected to and stands for Christ?
Remember the words of our commanding officer before he went back into heaven.
First, remember the power you have behind you. Jesus said, “ALL authority on heaven and on earth has been given to me.” The Apostle Paul put it this way, “22 And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23 which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.” (Ephesians 1:22-23) So, while Jesus is in heaven, his power is still at work in his church to carry out the mission he has given to us. Governments may seek to curtail the Gospel and individuals may dismiss it or shout it down, but the power is not in them, but in Jesus who sends his church to proclaim the Gospel.
The mission is clear. For followers of Jesus Christ our mission is clear: Make more disciples. The means is given to us: Baptizing and Teaching. We don’t have to wonder what to do or how to do it. Jesus makes it clear. Utilize the gift of baptism to bring people into the kingdom of God and then teach them to hold on to every teaching the Lord has given to us. As these both take place, followers of Jesus are created and nurtured.
The presence of Jesus is real. We are not alone in the battles we face. Whether those battles are the ones that rage within our souls or the ones which we fight collectively as the Church to bring the Gospel to the world.
We have the power. We have the mission. We have the promise.
So don’t just be ready for the battle…Fight the battle! Soldier as a good soldier!
Apply: As you think about the battles you face, what aspect of Jesus’ final words encourage you the most? His power, his mission, or his promise?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for carrying out the mission you had to do all that was necessary for our salvation. Lead us to boldly fight the good fight of faith and hold onto and proclaim boldly the truth of grace to the world! AMEN.
Never abandon your weapons!
This week’s devotions are based on this week’s message: Key #2: Be Ready for the Battle! (WATCH HERE)
On May 2, 2011, US special forces descended on a compound in Pakistan to carry out a raid on the compound of Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. For almost 10 years, intelligence sources stalked the killer, but finally the element of location and surprise allowed the forces of the US to descend from helicopters, eliminate their target and get out without any US casualties.
Except one.
A stealth helicopter.
On the raid, the helicopter malfunctioned and was unable to fly away from the compound. However, the crew had a plan. Destroy the aircraft. Why? Because the super secret technology that the helicopter contained was not to find its way into enemy hands and be used against us in future combat. So it was blown up before the forces left.
If you leave your weapons behind, you give up the impact of those weapons for the enemy to utilize. Again, you can read stories of armies taking the weapons of slain enemies and turning them against the very forces that carried them. However, a good soldier who was able, would never leave their weapons behind for the enemy to use.
A good soldier would also be foolish to leave their weapons back in the barracks and not take them to battle. Unarmed in battle is a suicide mission in the making.
So it is in spiritual battle as well.
Perhaps we are more guilty of never using our weapons than leaving the weapons for Satan to use, but he is capable of that too. (Remember he used the “sword of the Spirit” (the word of God) against Jesus himself…he would love to use it against you too.)
We can easily underestimate the enemy and overestimate our ability to combat him on our own. For example, Paul encourages us to put on the “belt of truth” around our waist (Ephesians 6). The purpose is so we can fend off the lies of Satan when they come our way. We may rely on Bible knowledge we learned as a kid to combat the religious melay that we face in our culture today. We may rely on what we “think” the Bible says, instead of knowing what it actually does say. We may push off time in the word because our day has too many other “important” things to do. As a result of these inactions, we leave our belt of truth behind and we are left to be confused at best or give in to smooth sounding arguments that are lies at worst. And when we abandon this weapon…we lose spiritually.
So don’t abandon your weapons – offensive and defensive. The battle is real. The enemy is strong. To enter combat without the weapons God has given to us is spiritual suicide! So be soldier good at soldiering and every day do as Paul encourages in Ephesians 6:10:
Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Apply: Which of these weapons do you often forget about or “leave off” when taking on spiritual challenges/battles? What do you think would change if you stop abandoning that weapon and put it on?
Prayer: Lord thank you for the armor and weapons we need to fight the good fight of faith! AMEN.